10 months!

Madison is 10 months old! She is sooo fun- she is moving forward ( before it was side to side) standing up, attempting to move her feet to walk when holding on! She makes us laugh and smile daily!

Harley and Madison

Harley has taken a while to warm up to this new little person - Madison. But since she has started to understand that Madison now has snacks and gives Harely lots of "nice touches" she is always very close by!

Mac & Paige

Today we had a fun day hanging out with Mac and Paige! We have not seen Mac since he was first born. 6 months later he is moving and in to everything! Madison's personality is very layed back, watch the world around her, she loves to watch everything-it was sooo fun to see Mac who explored everything!

Happy Birthday Uncle!

Cole's birthday celebration! Madison loves her Uncle, she is lucky to see him often and just loves to watch, smile, laugh and talk to him!

All fours

Madison making a bridge - she got stuck on all fours and collapsed to the ground exhausted after holding her self up. Everyday brings something new- we love watching her grow and explore!