Madison, Harley and I went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sharretts- here are some pictures of our time there! We had so much fun catching up and swimming- it was a fun afternoon!
Madison loves to stand up and watch everything around her. I do not know if you can tell but Madison is sticking her tongue out- she has been teething what seems to be non stop since 4 months- many teeth just waiting to break through. Her gums look so painful but she sucks on anything and places her tongue where it hurts and always has a smile on her face!
Madison loves to "talk"! She has been stringing together many sounds including dada. But on vacation John was making Madison laugh, she looked right at him and said "da da" Our hearts melted! We have been trying to have her imitate ma ma but she just laughs!
What a great vacation we had in North Carolina! We went to the aquarium, rode the ferry boat, took walks in the mornings after breakfast, ate good food and swam in the pool! Madison had fun splashing in the big bathtub! At first she held on to me with all she could but the next day she sat in her inner tube and kicked her feet to move around the pool!
After driving all day on the July 3rd to North Carolina to visit Granny and Pop Pop we had fun relaxing on the beach July 4th! Madison seemed to enjoy her first trip to the beach, she loved the sand but was unsure of the oceans waves.